
Online-offline use of services via apps mean any customer can register a demand for goods via online, and the delivery can be done offline. The technical work is synchronization of the online and offline records.

 Research on online–offline channel integration has mostly been constrained to the context of e-commerce,examining outcome variables such as sales (Gallino and Moreno 2014, Geyskens et al. 2002, Homburg et al. 2014), supply chain management (Ishfaq et al. 2016, Kulp et al. 2004), and service quality (Ba and Johansson 2008, Berry et al. 2010, Cenfetelli et al. 2008). For example, Cao and Li (2015) revealed that cross-channel integration has a positive effect on sales growth and  offline presence negatively moderates such an effect. In addition, Bell et al. (2018) find that multichannel integration increases demand overall and in the online channel but decreases demand in the offline channel. Avery et al. (2012) demonstrate that channel integration cannibalizes sales in the off-line channel but not the online channel and show that channel integration benefits both online and offline channels over time. Furthermore, Gallino and Moreno (2014) show that retail integration of online and offline channels is associated with a reduction in online sales and an increase in-store sales and traffic.The online and offline service integration supports the synchronization of database records. The papers also show that the customers will have to pay in the system to use this online-offline feature. There are various many factors which can moderate or lower the potential user base, all of these factors are from customers groupings and choices.

In India is using this online-offline synchronization with its patients base.International conference where this synchronization is going to be discussed


Beck Norbert[2]

A German professor, with name of the BeckN protocol has classified possibilities of customer and retailers interactions into six to seven categories. All these are in varying degree to the information view.

3Dimensional Omni Channel[3]


 [1] Please Cite this article in press as: Huang, N., Z., Yan, et al. Effects of Online–Offline Service Integration on e-Healthcare Providers: A Quasi-Natural Experiment. Production and Operations Management. (2021),



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